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Universidad do Minho

 Puestos disponibles en Ingeniería Sísmica, Estudiantes de doctorado

 El grupo de Estructuras Históricas y de Albañilería (HMS) del Instituto de   Sostenibilidad e Innovación en Ingeniería Estructural (ISISE), Universidad de Minho, Portugal, planea abrir hasta tres puestos de estudiantes de doctorado (duración del contrato prevista para 3 años).

Positions available on Earthquake Engineering, Beyond Sustainability and Structural Health Monitoring (PhD Students)

The Historical and Masonry Structures (HMS) group of the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), University of Minho, Portugal, plans to open up to three PhD student positions (duration of the contract planned for 3 years).

The positions will focus on (i) Seismic assessment of the out-of-plane behavior of masonry structures, (ii) Development and validation of New European Bauhaus indicators for Cultural Heritage projects (Sustainable, Beautiful, Inclusive)and (iii) Vibration-based damage-identification methodologies for post-earthquake assessment of historic masonry structures.

(i) Seismic assessment of the out-of-plane behavior of masonry structures:

Necessary qualifications: MSc degree in Civil Engineering or Earthquake Engineering. A strong background in structural dynamics and masonry structures with a passion for experimental analysis, numerical modelling, code-based assessment, or similar qualifications, would be considered an asset.

(ii) Development and validation of New European Bauhaus indicators for Cultural Heritage projects (Sustainable, Beautiful, Inclusive):

Necessary qualifications: MSc degree in Architecture,Civil Engineering or similar. A good understanding of sustainability assessment tools(e.g. BREEAM®, LEED® or SBTool) or resilience tools (e.g. REDi or City Resilience Index), or similar qualifications, would be considered an asset.

(iii) Vibration-based damage-identification methodologies for post-earthquake assessment of historic masonry structures:

Necessary qualifications: MSc degree in Civil Engineering, Earthquake Engineering or similar.A strong background in structural dynamics and experience in non-destructive and/or destructive testing, structural health monitoring, programming, or similar qualifications, would be considered an asset.

Students completing their MSc degree in the next months are invited to demonstrate their interest in the position.

If interested, please send your résumé with a copy of the BSc and MSc certificates to Dr. Alberto Barontini (, indicating the topic of yours interest, until July 30th (23:59 Lisbon time / WEST). If your MSc certificate is not yet issued, please provide your current course certificate and GPA

Edición de dos nuevos libros sobre temas palentinos



Tenemos el placer de anunciar la aparición de dos nuevos textos sobre temas palentinos, apoyados por nuestra Fundación, que ha dedicado a este cometido la subvención concedida este año de 2023 por la Diputación Provincial

Pedro Díez Montes estudia la arquitectura y  la iconografía que presenta el templo de La Compañía, excelente ejemplar de iglesia jesuítica.

Francisco Javier de la Cruz Macho ha investigado profundamente los orígenes y la evolución de la fotografía en Palencia.

Ambos autores presentarán sus obras dentro de pocas semanas.

Presentación de libro sobre construcción con tierra. Sevilla, 13 de junio

El próximo martes 13 de junio 2023, a las 11:30h, se presentará en la sede del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, en Sevilla, el libro “Adobes & cía. Estudios multidisciplinares sobre la construcción con tierra desde la prehistoria hasta nuestros días”, con representantes de las instituciones que lo han hecho posible.

El acto consistirá primero, en la presentación del Proyecto CrudUs «Estudio, intervención y recuperación de la construcción con tierra en la Baja Andalucía»; segundo, en la visita en el mismo lugar a la exposición de paneles sobre «Difusión del Patrimonio arqueológico realizada por estudiantes del Grado de Arqueología, de la US»; y tercero, la Presentación del libro.

Benedetta Tagliabue, Premio Bienal de Arquitectura Sostenible 2023

Es un placer para nuestra Fundación difundir la concesión de este importante Premio otorgado a nuestra querida amiga Benedetta Tagliabue


Catherine Chevillot, president of the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine Paris and Jana Revedin, founding President of the Global Awards, will present the laureates of the Global Awards for Sustainable Architecture 2023.

This year’s edition has awarded five winners: Benedetta Tagliabue, Xu Tiantian, Simon Teyssou, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen and Ronald Rietveld and Erik Rietveld.

The 2023 laureates engage themselves in thinking and doing architecture otherwise and teaching experimentation to future architects by example and experience. Benedetta Tagliabue, Xu Tiantian and Simon Teyssou experiment with participatory processes in situated projects through structural and material innovations with the people.

The Global Award for Sustainable Architecture was founded in 2006 by the architect and scholar Jana Revedin with the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine. It promotes the innovation and experimentation of new forms of creation, exploring the production of materials, alternative design modes, and reactivation of cultural heritages of an extraordinary variety that renew ways of creating. It defines architecture as an agent of empowerment, self-development and civic right, and it is under the patronage of UNESCO

La tierra como material de construcción en el patrimonio histórico, Nájera,19-23 junio

La tierra como material de construcción en el patrimonio histórico

Fecha: del 19 al 23 de junio 2023
Lugar:  Escuela de Patrimonio Histórico – Plaza. Sta. María, s/n, de Nájera
Docentes: Jon Santibañez – Ángels Castellarnau – Rocío Merlos



Más información:
telf./ 654070555

Tierra y fibras naturales. 6 Semanas, 6 fibras

Dado que la nueva directiva europea de eficiencia energética para edificios regula que los materiales empleados en éstos deben ser naturales, resulta muy adecuada esta llamada abierta para participar en los ensayos de formación promovidos por Edra, centrados en el empleo de tierra y fibras naturales añadidas que tendrán lugar en Ayerbe entre los días 26 de junio y 4 de agosto. 

tel. 630726062 – 974380829

Taller sobre tadelakt, Morón, 20-21 mayo

Taller Práctico de formulación y aplicación de Tadelakt para sus usos decorativos y de revestimientos.

PLAZAS LIMITADAS    Precio 180 €

Fecha 20 y 21 de Mayo de 2023

Lugar: Museo Cal de Morón /Docente: Jose Calvente

Maestro artesano del tadelakt formado en Marrakech.

Formador, aplicador, investigador, asesor técnico, especializado en la realización de obras de Tadelakt

El Futuro de las arquitecturas vernáculas y de tierra

Porto, 15 y 16 de junio 2023

Which future for vernacular architecture & earthen architecture?

On the last years, vernacular architecture and earthen architecture have faced multiple challenges worldwide, which have threaten their survival. In several regions, intangible knowledge is disappearing fast, in part due to the fact there is less people keeping the building culture and its know-how alive. 

To discuss the future of vernacular architecture and earthen architecture, we are inviting interested professionals and researchers to meet in Porto, on June 15 & 16, 2023. 

The event will be structured in three sessions with debates and a round-table. The International Seminar on Vernacular and Earthen Architecture will be dedicated to vernacular documentation, World Heritage, intangible knowledge, knowledge transfer, climate action, adaptation, and a final round-table discussion with input from participations. The key-purpose of the round-table will be to establish ways forward, on how to keep vernacular and earthen architecture alive.

A publication with the paper’s proceedings, and the round-table notes, will be published in 2023.

International Seminar & Round-Table on: 

Which future for vernacular architecture & earthen architecture?

Session 1: Preserving the Past

Vernacular documentation & World Heritage

Session 2: Valuing the Present

Intangible knowledge & knowledge transfer

Session 3: Preparing for the Future

Climate action & adaptation

Round-Table: Which future for vernacular architecture & earthen architecture?


DAMG-UPT | Department of Architecture & Multimedia Gallaecia at Portucalense University

CIAUD-UPT | Research Centre in Architecture, Urbanism & Design at Portucalense University



VERSUS+ | Heritage for People 

UNESCO Chair on earthen architecture, building cultures, & sustainable development.


UPV, Spain; UNIFI, Italy; UNICA, Italy; CRAterre-ENSAG, France.

Important information:

– Interested speakers should send an email to: (no later than: May 15).

– The email should include: session title; paper title; authors; affiliation (institution, & country), and short abstract (max. 200 words). 

– Organisers will respond: in the following three days, informing about the acceptance (or not) of the abstract.

– If the abstract is accepted: speakers will present their communication in Porto, on June 15 & 16.

– Speakers should submit: A 4 to 6 page paper by July 7, 2023. Further instructions will be sent, following the acceptance of the abstract.

Several experts already confirmed their participation, so all the interested speakers should send an abstract, as soon as possible.