Call for thematic sessions: 8th International Congress on Construction History.
The 8th International Congresson Construction History (8ICCH) will be held at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, from June 24 to June 28, 2024. The open sessions will be organized around the principal building materials (stone, timber, iron, concrete, etc.) and actors (architects, engineers, contractors, state officials, workers, etc.).
Since the 6ICCH in Brussels (2018) it has become a strong tradition to include thematic sessions in the congress programme. These thematic sessions aim at bringing together researchers to discuss focal topics in a particularly fruitful atmosphere of mutual exchange.
This call invites potential session chairs to propose thematic sessions that address specific topics and problems in the field of construction history. Young researchers are particularly encouraged to submit proposals. The aim of the thematic sessions is to emphasize cutting-edge issues, approaches, and directions in construction history research and to promote transnational and interdisciplinary cooperation as well as debates on current pressing challenges. Proposals should include a title, a description of the topic (max. 400 words), a statement of relevance (max. 200 words) and a suggestion of 3–5 potential presenters. Please add a short CV listing the last steps of your career. Thematic sessions are limited to one per applicant. Thematic sessions may be extended to “mini-symposia” (comprising two session slots and around 6–8 contributions). Please indicate whether you want to organize a single “thematic session” or an extended “mini-symposium”.
The chairs of the thematic sessions have to be present during the 8ICCH and provide a short introduction to their session. They are responsible, in collaboration with the Scientific Committee, for selecting the abstracts and editing the papers submitted. For each session, 4 to 5 papers will be selected. No more than one paper from the session chair’s own research team is eligible for presentation in the thematic session. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to redirect papers to other sessions.
Proposals should be sent to 8icch@arch.ethz.ch by September 30, 2022. Session chairs will be informed about the selection of their proposal by the committee by October 31, 2022.
More information will be available soon on the congress website: 8icch.org
Organizing Committee
Stefan M. Holzer (ETH Zurich)
Silke Langenberg (ETH Zurich)
Clemens Knobling (ETH Zurich)
Institute for Preservation and Construction History (IDB), D-ARCH, ETH Zurich